Electronic Proof of Claim FAQ

  • At the time of filing my claim, I do not know the amount that is due. How do I enter “Unknown” in the amount for the claim?

    In the amount box, enter: 00.00. Attach documentation to the claim explaining the reason that the 00.00 was entered. Once you know the amount of the claim, file an amended

  • I need to amend a claim. How do I do this?
    When completing the fillable claim form, check the box above item 1 on the form to indicate that the claim amends a previously filed claim. You can then enter the Court claim number and/or date of the previous claim.
  • How will I know the treatment of my claim by the Chapter 13 Trustee?

    Check the website of the Chapter 13 Trustee assigned to the case or contact the Chapter 13 Trustee's office. To access the Chapter 13 Trustee websites, go to www.13network.com and select the Trustee office assigned to the case. The Trustees are listed by state. Access to the individual websites require a login and password. There are instructions on each office's home page regarding web access.
